
The Krampus

What's up peeps!  TyT here to address the monster in the room.  Jaffy and I had our good friend and special guest G-Baby drop by the studio this weekend to sit in and record our newest podcast.  We got into a number of topics, from American Idol (or A Merkin Idol as Jaffy calls it) to Rosie O'Donnell, but there was one topic we just couldn't get enough of...The Krampus.

Since you awesome listeners won't be able to hear the show for another week or so, I felt it only right to preface this episode with a blog explaining what exactly the Krampus is exactly.  According to the Alpine Region of the world, the Krampus is a creature of lore that accompanies Saint Nick when he makes his rounds on Christmas.  Where Santa man give the good boys and girls presents, Krampus goes another route.  In fact, it's the most extreme route possible.  Basically, he steals the naughty children, licks their heads, pulls their ears, beats them with switches and brings them back to his rape cave where he then cooks the children as his very special holiday dinner.

Yes, you read that all right.

This is what some European cultures believe as children and I have to say it is awesome.  Set aside everything and enjoy this authentic picture (coming to you from National Buffoon Blog) and if nothing else, it is a testament to the awesomeness that is this evil, Christmas rape monster.

I think what is even more disturbing is that on the same blog page is an image of what appears to be a real person either portraying the Krampus or perhaps the real Krampus himself...not a monster or myth, but a man with very handsy hands.

I'll leave you guys with that last image to destroy your brains.  Be sure to tune in at www.ThoseDudesShow.com for next weeks episode.  We will be on the Krampus for a solid 20 minutes.

You can also follow us on Twitter @ThoseDudesShow and on Facebook.

TyT Out

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