
TyT's Film of the Week : The Cabin In The Woods

Films in the horror genre are a kind that usually doesn't require common sense or character arcs to carry their stories from start to finish.  Generally, they establish a cast of unassuming victims...I mean characters, set up a location that steps them out of their comfort zone, introduce a mentally deranged murderer or evil supernatural entity and start scratching names off the cast list as blood and body parts begin to pile up.  So, the genre becomes predictable, stale and played out as more and more "original" horror films saturate the silver screen.  Let's face it, horror is the only genre besides pornography that can survive solely in bargain bins and strait to DVD scenarios.  In a world where every horror film has to do with predictable plot twists and overused, over-dramatic chase sequences, there is rarely a true horror film worth praising.  Then, something like The Cabin In The Woods shows up and blows the damn doors wide open.

If you are an avid horror fan, you may not like what The Cabin In The Woods has to offer because you may believe the writers to be poking fun at you.  I assure you, Joss Whedon (yes, the director of next month's The Avengers) and Drew Goddard (LOST, Buffy The Vampire Slayer) are not trying to make fun, but instead attempting to break the horror genre out of the tired, monotonous gutter that it's been in for years.  They're trying to surprise you in the most honest and original way.  I believe they do this brilliantly while they tell a horror tale and scratch names off their own cast list.

Cabin fills a good chunk of screen-time for jokes.  Not dick or ass jokes, but the twisted, perplexing ones you can't help but crack up while you ponder it's true intention.  The script is layered like that and if we dissected the whole thing, it would look like the rubix cube house from the movie's poster. (See Here)  The thing about it is, the jokes are funny and the film is fun as hell.  I relate to when everyone went to see Saw and realize the rules of a horror film had changed or rather that you could have a gory, excessive film while bringing a mind fuck element into play.  The Cabin In The Woods just does it by acknowledging the over-exhaustion in the genre.  Every plot hole and imaginative gap in a horror film, brought right into focus...but then beaten to death with the awesomeness of what you could do with a self aware horror house.

The acting was downright amazing.  Richard Jenkins (the Dad from Stepbrothers) and Bradley Whitford (Evil Erik from Billy Madison) kill and Chris "Thor" Hemsworth has so much fun.  The real star of the story is Fran Kranz, who know one will know.  He was in Whedon's FOX show, Dollhouse and a cancelled sitcom (Welcome to The Captain), but I loved him in both of those.  Naturally, I was excited to see him in the cast of college friends going to a cabin in the woods, but his character was the funniest and you'll believe me as soon as he's introduced.

The fact of the matter is, The Cabin In The Woods is the smartest horror film, perhaps, maybe of all time.  I know, real official statement, but the film carries itself with a hollowed self scope.  When expanded, it becomes a monster of its own devices and that's when you'll have the most fun.  This is definitely my favorite movie of 2012 thus far.  I plan to own it on blu-ray the second they stock it on shelves, but for now, I think I'll go back and see it again.  No, I'm not weird...it's just that damn good!

TyT's Verdict:  OMFG, YES! (aka better than Hunger Games)

Find TyT on Twitter @bakstar_inc or through Those Dudes @ThoseDudesShow and check out Those Dudes Podcast at www.ThoseDudesShow.com!


Those Dudes :: Episode 11 :: "Power Rangers!"

TyT here!  I just got out from seeing Cabin In The Woods and I'm going to have a great review for the blog this week.  Until then, however, be sure to check out the latest episode of Those Dudes Podcast!  We've got a great show for you this week.  Listen now FOR FREE!

Check it out here: